perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016

Makeup line

I'm BACK!!

I had little rough time with life itself, so I have just a ew pictures coming up. But I have big interRail trip coming up so you can expect to see a lot of pictures later on June.

But now I have for you my latest work. This is the first one. Work for school application that didn't go so well since I didn't get in to the school. But this was interesting work named/themed "Line/Border.." My lovely cousin gave me an idea to do work named "Makeup line" and all my friends were busy, so I used my little sister as an model. This work turned okay. I'm not competely happy with it.

I would love to do this with real makeup artist and someone else as an model. Maybe someday!

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Olen kiitollinen kommenteista, mutta jättäkää semmonen kiroilu ja pilkuviilailu pois semmonen voi pilata päivän.

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