I'm introvert, passionate photographer, hopeless dreamer, book and poetry reader, animal
lover, cat owner, tv and movie addict, coffee drinker, artistic mind, drawer and much more.
FINNISH PEOPLE if you like to model for me
don't be afraid to contact:
This blog is kind of my extended portfolio where I upload my work and sometimes something more. I decided to write in English because I saw how many people from other countries have been looking my blog. English also suits for me really well, because I spend lots of time on internet (social media) and I have to write in english everywhere.
This blog is kind of my extended portfolio where I upload my work and sometimes something more. I decided to write in English because I saw how many people from other countries have been looking my blog. English also suits for me really well, because I spend lots of time on internet (social media) and I have to write in english everywhere.
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I'm so thankfull about your comment, but don't be rude, that's just annoying.