sunnuntai 9. huhtikuuta 2017

I need a fresh start

HEY! So I did little soul searching and thinking. I decided that it's a moment to do fresh start with this blog and try if I get my motivation back. This means that I'm moving my blog to whole new site and you can check it out and hopefully want to continue following by clicking THIS

I had great time here at blogger and I'm not going to deleted this right away, but this is the last post I'm ever going to write. I hope to see you all at the new place. I want to say thank you for all of you who have been reading my posts and stalking my work, so thanks!


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Olen kiitollinen kommenteista, mutta jättäkää semmonen kiroilu ja pilkuviilailu pois semmonen voi pilata päivän.

I'm so thankfull about your comment, but don't be rude, that's just annoying.

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